Oakland Cemetery

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4988 Russell Rd.

Muskegon, MI 49445


Sec. 16, T11N, R16W

Oakland Dalton Township Map



The town of Dalton was organized the 18th of April, 1859 at the house of Edwin Nichols, P. Dalton, Moderator; N. Cunningham, Inspector; C.C. Thompson, Clerk, and M. Hall, Poll Clerk.  Te whole number of votes cast was 58 of which P. Dalton had 39 and C.C. Thompson, 18.  G. Nichols was elected Treasurer, M. Hall, clerk.  Andrew Todd, E. Collins, D.P. Sherman and Moses Hall were the first Justices of the Peace.  C. Odell, Commissioner of Highways, J.P. Brown, School Inspector; O.W. Califf, A.J. Covell, W. Jones, A. Ketchum, were elected Constables.

At first the town included Fruitland, Whitehall, Dalton, Cedar Creek, Blue Lake and Holton.  These became towns in their own right in 1869, 1874, 1861, 1865 and 1871 respectively.

One of the earliest farmers in the area was B.F. Dow.  Others were John W. Reside and Lorenzo Pelham.  B.F. Dow was probably the first real settler although Gale Nichols came before him.  Mr. Nichols kept a tavern and dealt with the Indians.  In the southeast part of town William Maltby was the first in 1863.  Henry Lyman came in 1869.

The first school was on Section 5, known at first as the Fox Lake School and afterwards as the Knapp School, erected in 1867.  Miss Etta Odion (Mrs. James Hiscutt of New York) was the first teacher.

As of the 1880’s there was no church building.  The Adventists held services occasionally; the Methodist Episcopal were served by a minister from Holton.  Rev. Mr. Carlstead, an Adventist minister, preached regularly as did Rev. Mr. Pearson of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Sawmills and fruit farms were the main industries.  A. Clug’s sawmill was the first at Dalton Station.


 For photos of headstones go to www.findagrave.com. 

Updated 2002.

Surname Given name Epitaph/Information Born/Age Died/Buried
? ? (stone broken) Parents: Rev. W. & D. J. 1870 1879
ABORGAST Delorse L.   38 yrs 15-Apr-1977
ADKINS Calvin Berten   83 yrs 22-Nov-1960
ANDERSON Fredrick   18-Feb-1855 15-Jan-1897
ARBOGAST David Lee Our Babies 10-Feb-1953 10-Feb-1953
ARBOGAST Glenn E. Father 1919 15-Apr-1977
ARBOGAST Ralph Wm. Our Babies 31-Jan-1952 26-Jun-1952
ASKEWS Elijah   63 yrs 31-Aug-1964
BARD Johannah Mother 1832 1902
BARD Samuel W. Father 1833 1918
BOWLING Tina   7 wks 17-Feb-1968
BOYER Eilene Fern (Clover)   20-Dec-1923 28-Jun-2002
BROWN Fred   1927 1911 1994
BROWN Laura Married 1909 1993
BROWN Wendell Earl   1958 21-Oct-1961
CANEBY Leroy (Kennedy) LA Pfc 92 Avn Sq AAF  WW II 16-Jul-1916 21-Apr-1967
CARLSON Carl T. Father 1873 1943
CARLSON Sena Mother 1884 1936
CLOVER Artice June   4 yrs 5-Mar-1949
CLOVER David Lawrence   11 yrs 5-Mar-1949
CLOVER Harold E.   13 yrs 5-Mar-1949
CLOVER James Dale   9 yrs 5-Mar-1949
CLOVER Joan Maude   15 yrs 5-Mar-1949
CLOVER Maude M. Mother 54 yrs 5-Mar-1949
CLOVER Nancy Kay   5 yrs 5-Mar-1949
CLOVER Roger Lee   10 yrs 5-Mar-1949
CLOVER Sandra Lee   8 yrs 5-Mar-1949
CLOVER Ward H.   21 yrs 5-Mar-1949
COOPER Cooksey   66 yrs 19-Mar-1977
CRAKER Jasper Levi Father 1911 4-Oct-1977
DAILEY Classie     21-Jun-1980
DEAN Alonzo Lonnie   1911 1989
DEAN Freddie Lee Pfc US Army 1944 1980
DOBSON Evelyn M.   11-Feb-1920 19-Dec-1999
DUREN George "Caveman" Brother 1962 1994
ESLER Anna E.   73 yrs 21-Mar-1962
FENN Walter Amos   68 yrs 29-Feb-1960
FOX Alice E.   60 yrs 21-Mar-1975
FOX Forest Milton   66 yrs 14-Feb-1975
GASKILL Emma M.   18-Mar-1888 9-Aug-1979
GASKILL Fleming R.   1912 1981
GASKILL James Harris   1884 20-Dec-1949
GENSON Phyllis J. Mother 1938 1989
GRIFFIN Clyde E.   1905 1987
GRIFFIN Ruby V. Shelby, Mich. 1902 27-Oct-1976
GRIFFIN William H.   1-Jul-1933 8-Feb-1936
GRUMET Anton Father 1866 1944
GRUMET Susanna Mother 1872 1936
HALTON Ellen Mother          52 yrs 1910 6-May-1964
HALTON Porter Loving Father 23-Feb-1914 25-Oct-1997
HARDY Mary Lee (Maylee) 40 yrs 1935 31-Jul-1975
HECKMAN Levi Traverse City, Mich. 70 yrs 10-Oct-1963
HENDERSON William Houston   79 yrs 22-Aug-1962
HENDRICKSON Andrew Father 1832 1914
HENDRICKSON August Son 1884 1906
HENDRICKSON Augusta Mother 1847 1919
HENDRICKSON Frank Son 1882 1925
HOLY Lavern D. Husband-Dad-Grandpa 1925 1988
HOLY T. J. Dad       20-Oct-1950         49 yrs 1926 4-Jun-1976
HOMAN Peggy E.   1936 1998
HORSE/HOISE Lular   62 yrs 18-Jun-1963
HULETT Kristi   1986 1992
HYSELL Shirlie E.   1915 1982
ISLEY Marie V.   1900 2-Jan-1967
ISLEY Willis Elsworth   1902 5-Sep-1972
JACKSON Essie Johnson Mother 1909 1983
JOHNSON Glenn, Jr. Cpl US Army  Korea 25-Jan-1930 12-Feb-1994
JORDAN Josephine Oceana Co., Mich. 54 yrs 9-Oct-1967
JORGENSEN Charles   3-Jun-1924 13-Oct-1989
JORGENSEN Crystal D. Arbogast   4-Mar-1922 22-Sep-2000
KAULE Wilhelmine   1-May-1851 14-Feb-1920
KECK Audrey Mae Daughter 1929 3-Jul-1961
KLINTWORTH Robert C. Pfc US Army  WW II 21-Aug-1923 28-May-1984
KOPS Otto   14-Nov-1890 13-Dec-1913
LAGER John A. Father 1859 1936
LAKE Marion W.   59 yrs 9-May-1972
LAMOURIA Mary Wife 1914 1990
LAMOURIA W. M. L. Husband 1916 1985
LOUIS Cal   74 yrs 27-Apr-1963
LUKE Marion   2 yrs 10-Jan-1949
LUTJOHAIM Augusta Wilhelmine In Frid Med Gud 13-Aug-1861 17-Apr-1915
MANNING Mildred Mattie Coldwater, Mich. 10 yrs 4-Jan-1957
MASSEY James B. S.B.   24-May-1972
McGAHAN Cecelia Dee   21-Sep-1949 12-May-1999
MCMAHON Genevieve   78 yrs 18-Nov-1953
MEYER Albert S.   21y-5m-11d 3-Oct-1898
MEYER Andrew Father 1843 1910
MEYER Arnt   75 yrs 19-Feb-1955
MEYER Jennie O. Daughter 1882 1942
MEYER Olia Mother 1840 1931
MEYERS Alb't S. Co. C, 34 Mich Inf  Sp-Am War    
MILLER Alec Hugh "Big Al"   15-Feb-1966 3-Jan-2000
MORRIS Louis   1943 1991
NASH John D., Sr.   43 yrs 6-Jul-1970
NELSON Maude L. Mother       St. Clair, Mich.   70 yrs 1908 27-Oct-1978
NELSON Raymond Pfc US Army 16-Jun-1922 18-Aug-1974
OTT Norman Michael   19-Jan-1954 12-Aug-2000
PARKER Delores L. Mother 1938 1977
PARSONS Jessie M. Mother 1916 1996
PARSONS Joseph L. MI Pvt US Army  WW II 4-Jul-1905 30-Apr-1974
PETERS M. Arlene Sister 1928 1995
PETERS Robert H., Sr. Husband-Father 1931 1997
PITTS Margaret L. Mother 1912 2002
PRICE Earl M.   1916 1993
QUINN Doris J. Mother 1925 1996
SCHEUNEMAN George E.   1916 1984
SCOTT Elsie B. Beloved Wife & Mother 21-May-1926 21-Jul-2002
SCOTT John R. Pvt US Army  WW II 2-Jan-1923 10-Oct-1986
SHIVELY Clyde B.   Married 1926 1999
SHIVELY Pauline I. 7-Apr-1970 1920 1996
SMITH Edward   85 yrs 25-Aug-1970
STOUT Clarence D. Dad       26-Feb-1944 1922 2001
STOUT Stephen Son 1956 1998
SUMNER James   72 yrs 19-May-1965
TAYLOR Wilson H. Sgt US Army 28-Aug-1931 31-Jan-2001
VOGELSONG Robert W. Korean War 1935 2002
WEBB Roger Lee, Jr.   35 yrs 8-Sep-1970
WESTERLIND Agnes C. Daughter 1872 1942
WESTERLIND Axel L. Son 1870 11-Jan-1953
WESTERLIND E. Paul Son 1884 27-May-1966
WESTERLIND Father [John]   1831 1911
WESTERLIND John A. Son 1868 1943
WESTERLIND Mother [Mary C.]   1842 1914
WESTERLIND Pauline E. Daughter 1880 9-Nov-1966
WILLIS Angda Lee   1 day 17-Jul-1970
WITEK Grethel I. Loving Wife-Mother 10-Jan-1933 18-Aug-1999
WOODLAND Gerald    Married 1937 2002
YOUNG Robert Curtis   8-May-1969 16-Oct-1998