Blue Lake/White Oak Cemetery

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Also known as White Oak Cemetery

Blue Lake Road – Pine Island Road

Blue Lake Township 
Sec. 13, Sec. 29, T12N, R16W


The first supervisor of the township was Austin P. Ware, born in 1818 in New York State, and a settler since 1864, settling on Sections 20 and 29.  Other supervisors were Jas. P Utter, N.R. Dryer, Franklin Scott, and Francis Hiscutt.  P.J. Martin was clerk.

The first preacher was a Baptist, Rev. George Irving.  The first white child to be born in the township was probably Hattie, daughter of Alfred Tyndal, born in 1864, although some claim that Edward, son of Jas. Doherty was born a year or two before.  Messrs. Hays, Doherty and Brown worked for the Daltons and were some of the earliest settlers.  A Mr. Andrews came in about 1862 and settled on the Signant place where he remained until about 1867.  Other early arrivals were Lars Jensen and the Andersens, who were Danish, B.B. Aldrich, his brother-in-law, A.P. Ware, C.H. Chatfield, Dr. Kinsley, J.M. Crawford, A. Tyndal, M.D. Drake and Mr. Warren.

There were a number of mills in the township as there were many pine trees.  The “Brown” mill was the first, in 1856, and was in the southeast corner of Section 6.  Widow Jensen had one at the head of silver Creek, F.H. Sturtevant of Whitehall had a steam mill in the southeast of Section 25 and Dr. Kingsley had another in Section 29.

The township was organized in 1865, out of Dalton.  The first teacher was Ophelia Parks, sister of Mrs. F.D. Glazier (of Whitehall who died in 1878) and she started teaching in May 1866 at Block School House.  The first Sunday school was organized in April 1866 in the house of Henry F. Parks.

The last burial in Blue Lake Cemetery was in 1926 and the oldest marked grave is dated

February 11, 1871.  The cemetery has some Civil War Veterans buried there.

For many years the Blue Lake Fireman’s Auxiliary has kept the cemetery cleaned.  In 1977 the CETA program spent $1500 cleaning brush, installing fence posts and a gate.  The Blue Lake Township board has asked the State of Michigan for 12½ acres of adjoining state property to enlarge the cemetery and to return it to use again.

(Research by Frank Gyori, June Veldman, and Evelyn Buckingham)


For headstone photos go to

Last burial 1964.

BAKER Aaron 24-Oct-1867 17-Oct-1964  
BAKER Alice M. (Darling) 17-Apr-1868 25-Sep-1963  
BAKER Eugene Von 1926 1926  
BAKER Katherine  13-Feb-1837 22-Feb-31  
BAKER Norman Van 1926 1927 Son of Clarence & Hazel
BAKER Samuel  22-May-1836 6-Jun-11  
BAKER Samuel 1836 1914  
BAXTER  Harvey H. 1891 25-Oct-1891 Son of G.T. & M.J. 6 mos, 11 dys
BAXTER  Mary Jane  1849 22-May-1891 Wife of G.T. (George)
BROWN James S. 1820 1877 Father
CRAWFORD  J. M.    18-Apr-1873 John?
ENGLE Albert Jr.      
ENGLE Albert Sr.      
ENGLE Wife      
ENGLE Wife      
FISHER ?      
FOWLER  C.L.     Child of William and Charlotte
FOWLER  Charlotte J. (Holland)   1883 Wife of W.P.
FOWLER  William P.   25-Apr-08  
KARSTENS  Herman R. 22-Sep-1851 12-Jan-26  
KITCHEN Emma    11-Feb-1874 Wife of John
MESSERSMITH John W.   11-Mar-01 Co C, 153 IN Inf. 68 yrs.
RUSSELL Mark Jr.      
RUSSELL Mark Sr.      
RUSSELL Sarah  1808 1-Mar-1873 Wife of Tho's. 65y 5m 3d
RUSSELL Thomas Jr.      
RUSSELL Thomas  1809 9-Oct-1872 Parents: Wm. Cynthia
SHERWOOD Alice      
SHERWOOD Joseph      
SMITH  John D. 1869 30-Oct-1869 14 dys, Parents: John D & Charlotte
SMITH  Ophelia A. (Parks) 1848 10-May-1877 Wife of Sydney J., Parents Wm & Louisa
SMITH  Sidney J. 1836 1899 Civil War
SMITH  Sidney R. 5-Nov-1837 12-Jun-08 Wife Hannah Co. M, 2 Mich Cav. Actual burial in Riverside Cemetery, Hasings, Barry Co. MI
SOUTHWARD  Ambrose 1869 9-Jul-1879 10 yrs 3 mos
SOUTHWARD  Barbara      Husband Peter
SOUTHWARD  Jerry     18 dys
SOUTHWARD  Mother       
SOUTHWARD  Peter  12-Jul-1836 2-Jan-02 Father
SOUTHWARD  Peter       
THOMAS George W. 1835 17-Mar-1883 Co. B, 86 NY Inf.        48y-5m-15d
WOODRING Amos      
WOODRING Charles W. 1811 1864 Co. K, 55th OH Inf. & Co. E, 1 MI Inf.
WOODRING Elizabeth (Farst) 1811 1890 Mother
WOODRING James Franklin 1844 11-Oct-1890 Civil War - Co. I, 1 Mich. L.A.
WOODRING John Leroy 1 mo-3 dys 13-Nov-1876 Son of James
WOODRING Levi 2-Jun-1834 11-Jun-02 Civil War - Pvt Co. C, 35 Ohio Vol Inf
WOODWARD Celestia E. 1883 1905 Wife of W. A.
WOODWARD Theadore 1905 1906 Their Son         Parents: W. A. & Celestia E.